Writers and coffee. What’s a better duo? It's no secret that they love their coffee! That being said, here are 10 facts about our literary friends’ favorite drink.
Drip coffee has more caffeine than espresso.
Contrary to popular belief, drip coffee (regular black coffee) has more caffeine than espresso. 2oz. of espresso, the standard amount in a drink, contains 80mg of caffeine. On the other hand, drip coffee has 120mg a cup. This is because the slower process of drip coffee gives time to extract more caffeine compared to the faster, higher pressure process for espresso shots.
Decaf coffee still has caffeine.
Those writers reaching for a cup of decaf coffee late at night thinking that they'll still be able to sleep soundly may want to think twice. Though the decaffeination process removes most of the caffeine in coffee beans, there's still around 2-8mg per cup. Granted, this is much less than the regular 80-95mg of caffeine in a regular coffee cup.
Too much caffeine can kill you.
Writers love their coffee-- but too much of a good thing can kill you. Caffeine overdose is very much a real thing. Symptoms include abdominal pain, increased heartrate, dizziness, and agitation. Most people won't have to worry about dying however, as it is quite rare. In fact, it would take 70 cups of coffee to kill a 150 pound person.
Coffee might help you live longer.
When consumed in moderation, coffee can be quite healthy. Coffee beans are chock full of antioxidants and is linked to a lower likelihood of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, liver and endometrial cancers, Parkinson's disease, and depression. Those on a diet will be happy to know that coffee also contains less than 5 calories per cup and may boost metabolism and appetite control.
Coffee does not dehydrate you.
Another myth debunked. Caffeine is a diuretic, making people urinate more. However, because coffee is made with water, people usually consume more water than they lose.
The average American drinks 3 cups of coffee a day.
The average American drinks 3 cups of coffee per day with 7 in 10 citizens drink coffee at least once a week. 62% of Americans drink coffee every day.
Only 2 states in America grow coffee beans.
Despite Americans love for coffee, only 2 states harvest coffee beans: Hawaii and California. Hawaii is home to the famous Kona coffee, a light, sweet specialty coffee. Californian coffee is fairly new with the initiative starting on a wide scale in 2017.
Brazil is the world’s largest coffee producer.
Brazil takes the top spot as the world's largest coffee producer followed by Vietnam, Columbia, and Indonesia. In 2020, it was reported that Brazil produced 63.4 million 60kg bags of coffee beans. Starbucks popular Pike Place roast is made from a mix of Brazilian and Columbian beans.
Before coffee, beer was the drink of choice before starting the day.
Even children drank beer at the breakfast table!
French Writer Voltaire reportedly drank 40 to 50 cups of a chocolate-coffee mixture each day.
And you thought you drank a lot of coffee.